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Access to research results should be made available to the general public. We believe that research only makes sense when it is  for the benefit of people and nature. Our ongoing goal is to convert complex scientific language into understandable lectures, projects, and exhibitions which provide people with an opportunity to voice their questions, and to lead mutually beneficent discussions with scientists. 

Volunteer work

Important: We have no capacity for volunteers, Bachelor or Master students currently

Lectures for school children

1. The biology and communication of killer whales and long-finned pilot whales in Northem Nomay 
2 Marine Mammals of Lofoten / Patagonia / Raja Ampat 
A 30-minute ecture with an additional 15 minutes' time for questions can be given in English, German or Norwegian. 
If you are a school / teacher please contact us for further information:

Former projects

Lofoten Whale festival - Henningsvaer 01.-15.08.2011

Here you can view a video from the concert on 58.11 
A meeting of humans and whales: science, music, art and tourism 
A one week gathering celebrating the culture and nature of our cetacean species in the Lofoten waters: pilot whales, killer whales, 
different dolphins, harbor porpoises, minke whales; fin whales and humpback whales. There will be talks, special tours with 
scientists, naturalists, artists and musicians to introduce the wide human ways of relating to these mysterious and fascinating 
animals. A group of intemationally-known researchers from many different fields will converge upon Henningsvær in early August 
to present the facts and mysteries we have discovered about these important ocean creatures National and International 
renowned artists will present their work and interact with the whales, people and nature of Lofoten. 
The goal was to raise awareness, educate people about the marine ecosystem and ts wonderful creaturesv embedded in artistic 
and fun activities! 



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