As a deeper involvement, you can become a supporting member in Ocean Sounds Foundation for $50 per year. For this commitment you will receive our newsletter containing interesting information about whales and updates on our research specifically. All donations go directly to our marine mammal research and conservation projects . Just like a donation, this is the life blood of our activities. We cannot continue without your support, and we are genuinely thankful for your kindness!
To sign up
Fill out the form below with your name, email address and your phone number, and submit the $50
either via PayPal noting your name in the note section.
You then sign up to a running annual membership that can be cancelled at any time by letting us know via email. We will not sell or give away any of your private information, and we will use your contact information only to supply the newsletter, and to notify you about updates about Ocean Sounds and your membership.
​Partnership Opportunities:
Ocean Sounds welcomes partnerships with people or ethical compatible companies who may wish to support the ongoing work of the organization. This will enable increased focus on the essential research operations of our scientists, colleagues and students of marine biology.
To participate contact: Ocean Sounds Foundation, info@oceansoundsfoundation.org